The world of search is cut-throat. There are search firms that lay pressure on to meet performance targets and get results, often at the cost of quality and humanness.
We don’t do that.
We want to work with people who have a little ‘otherness’ about them. People with drive and determination, and with independent, analytical minds.
Search consultant with a proven track record?
We are interested in hearing from consultants with a proven track record.
We offer the type of international work you would normally associate with a “City Firm”, whilst allowing you to enjoy living and working in one of the UK’s most diverse and desirable locations.
Strong analytical
mind without search experience?
You could be taking the first step on the ladder to becoming an international Search Consultant.
We pride ourselves in our ability to identify individuals who have the necessary skills to develop into professional Search Consultants with training and support.
We don’t think
recruitment is sales.
Employees who are happy achieve outstanding professional results. Together, we create and maintain a positive working environment where people feel comfortable and have the opportunity to make the most of their independent drive and intelligence. In turn, this reflects on the way we treat our clients and the individuals we work with.